Where is Kensington Palace?

Kensington Palace is located at the following GPS coordinates: latitude 51.50571 ° N and longitude -0.187990 ° E. We then look at the centre of London which is officially taken as the intersection of The Strand, Whitehall and Cockspur Street. This intersection is often referred to as Charing Cross, not to be confused with the nearby Victorian Eleanor Cross itself, nor the station in front of which the cross stands. The GPS coordinates of the centre of London are: latitude 51.50730 ° N and longitude -0.12755 ° E.

Hence, as the crow flies, Kensington Palace is 2.60 miles (4.19 Km) almost due west of the centre of London. To be accurate, the bearing of the Palace is -177.58 ° with respect to Charing Cross, the centre of London.

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